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tv   [untitled]    September 14, 2010 8:30am-9:00am PST

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at taking that system-wide. >> thank you. >> you just answered my questions that i haven't asked yet. thank you very much. i actually think that we would like to hear more about that, especially about taking those things to scale about -- this is the way it is supposed to work, and obviously it does work when those things are in place. so i think there are barriers to doing that in other schools. hopefully we will be able to remove some of those and identify what they mighting. i hope you will tell you more about that as we go along. >> thank you, doctor. i just wanted to say that we are just so grateful for the work that you do for our district and your ability to translate data and numbers in ways that really truly help our schools, our principals and our teachers be more successful. we are very excited that for
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the first time in over 20 years we have been closing, narrowing the achievement gap for two years in a row. that is a huge accomplishment for the district. we obviously have so much farther to go as you can see from the bars, but i think you for your role and your 16 years of service here in the school district, building a data system that has been so useful and is going to be a key part to us continuing to close the achievement gap here. thank you. commissioner fewer? >> i also want to echo that. now that i've got the binder right here -- [laughter] >> this data is just fascinating. some of it is depressing, but it doesn't lie. it's real. thank you for doing this. and i will make an appointment to does this with you. thank you. >> superintendent garcia. >> i just want the board to
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understand what the doctor has done here is an abridged version. take the liberty to ask them what the doctor does with them. you will learn a lot in talking about focusing on, what you need to improve on, what are you close to doing? what should you put your energies on and talk about in having someone who can become a clearing house to refer people to talk to other principals that are doing things that have common needs. she meets individually with every single principal and reviews them about the state of their school. before they leave there, i think our entire district is focusing. today in a cabinet meeting with the assistants, she was quizing everybody if they knew what the scores were of every one of their schools in all these
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different areas. the not just for the school, but how did african-american do, how did latino kids, and the other kids, just down the list. you are getting the abridged version, but the detail which i think is fabulous is the one-on-one time that the doctor is spending with every principal. they leave empowered, and they empower their teachers. the discussion is very helpful and teachers get a chance to share it with each other and learn from each other. that is the power of the data, for people to figure out what is working. we don't need to go out and hire the experts from the outside. we have the experts here. we just need to figure out how we exchange information with one another and use the expertise that every teacher brings to a classroom. thank you. >> thank you, doctor. [applause]
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>> item n, concept calendar resolutions. there are none tonight. item o is a vote on the consent calendar, which has already been moved and seconded. role call, please. >> except for items k 2, k 3 and k 10. are >> and that is a nay vote on those three? >> that is a nay vote on those three. >> thank you. we have a couple for
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discussion. i have first 2-b on commissioner norton. >> that was mine. i just wanted to receiver that to get an answer to the question that was raised by mr. kelly about the money that was taken out of the child development program. >> yes, i would be happy to answer that question. the child development program created two teacher on special assignment positions this year. one teacher on special assignment for early literacy program services and another for kindergarten transition specialist. both positions are in the child development program for this year. >> so those t.s.a.'s will be directly supporting teachers within the child development program and other staff? >> that is correct. >> as a follow-up, if it were not true, it would look different? the budget transfer would be from one department to another
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if it were not. as i read this, just to make sure i'm reading it right, this is a budget transfer from one category to another within child development? >> that is correct. >> very good. thank you. >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. >> seven ayes. >> the next is w-30 on page 77. commissioner wynns? >> thank you. could you give us a little background on the emergency nature of this and what has happened there? >> good evening, commissioners. i am the chief facilities officer. all of you know that on the opening day of school, we opened a new program, pre-k and
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i think k-1-2 at the former newcomer high school in pacific heights. the emergency came to pass when one week prior to the opening of school, as a condition of the pre-k state licensing, the inspector arrived with the local fire marshall in toe -- tow, and their list of requirements for combike pre-k and elementary school children was beyond any ability to construct in a couple of days. so the thrust was to france itally try to accommodate a -- frantically try to accommodate a different kind of fire alarm system and special exits. it turned out in the friendsy
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to do it, that that work was not able to be completed before the start of school. the pre-k kids are housed at their former site at cobb. we are desperately and as quickly as possible trying to get the agreement of the three public agencies involved, which is the state architect, the local fire marshall and the pre-k licensing people to all understand what the issue is. so given all that, the rush is the programs are disrupted until we can combine them, and we are about eight days out, and the cost is higher than we anticipated. >> thank you. we often talk -- lots of times when something happens that we choirs -- requires a quick response, everybody thinks something terrible has
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happened. the public needs to understand that these things happen, and sometimes it is our responsibility to respond to it in this way. i am grateful that we have staff we can trust to take care of this and that we are able -- your department is able to address it. >> i would like to say i appreciate his effort in trying to rectify the issues that all these inspectors are demanding. myself going through several licensing processes for pre-k programs, it seems like every time a new inspector comes in, they have a new requirement. i understand what you're going through. >> thank you, role call? >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes,
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yes, yes, yes. yes. >> unanimous. >> k-6, commissioner fewer? >> yes, partners brought this to our attention. actually, i think now looking at the funding sources, i think that i would like to have an explanation on this. >> good evening, commissioners. i spoke with principal scarlatto. i apologize the way it is, it is a little unclear. the money is for the artist in residence. but the friends of sota is the non-profit that handles the contract and the distribution for all of that. >> so this is for direct service to students? >> correct. >> thank you.
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>> role call? >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes , aye, aye, yes. we have ayes. >> next is k-14 on page 124. commissioner wynns? >> yes. testimonyial for the new teacher project earlier. i am interested in, not tonight, if you can give me maybe in writing, or maybe i can sit down with somebody and hear a little more about exactly what they do. i mostly appreciated what i heard tonight about helping us deal with arcane complex processes, things that school sites have to do, some of it imposed by us, but most of it
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required by regulations law and contract obligations. i understand that, and the funding source is one that is ok to help, making it easier for schools. but i have some concerns about this organization, and basically it's national profile. i would like to know who they are placing. i am interested in that, and if you have any report to give us, i've actually seen a report in the past that was very cursory, just a sort of "we did this," we placed this many people, rather than who they are. i like it that schools are getting help doing something that is a challenge for them. but i don't know it is as neutral a process as i would like to to be, and i would like to know more about it. >> i'm happy to do that.
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i would like to say that they are an integral part of my -- have become an integral part of my staff. i have a total of three people that are involved in actual recruitment that are permanent people and then those two. i have lost all three of my permanent folks, and two of them are being replaced as the director is off to harvard. the bottom line is i have lost a lot of my experience. the real experience i have in my recruitment team happens to be those two folks, who i do consider part of my staff. and so they are very important to me, and they are especially important to us as we transition into supporting the new structure of the areas. i am happy to provide anything that you want.
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>> commissioner maufas? >> if i may, since we are having a personnel committee -- labor relations meeting in september, maybe you can give us more information at that time about the new teacher project. >> absolutely. >> and we can augment that committee. >> i also would like to add that the last school year we went to visit many schools together, and he also asked do you have any teachers for america teachers, and he asks about how this project is working. overwhelmingly, they said it was really working. i can't remember every school, but i do remember bessie carmichael who said they thought it was great. this is the new teacher project. he asked two questions. and overwhelmingly, they said it was great, that there was a
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point of contact, that they were able to streamline the hiring, and i just heard great reviews about it. but i look force to hearing it at the labor committee. >> role call, please. >> thank you. >> yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, aye, aye, and yes. >> seven ayes. >> our next item is item q, first reading of plopesals. we give a total of five minutes for public testimony for all of these resolutions. we won't have a discussion tonight. may i have a motion and second on 1083-point. >> so moved. >> second.
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>> thank you. >> i will be referring this to budget and buildings and grounds. and then -- actually, do we want to refer this to student assignment? >> yes. >> we will just refer this to budget and student assignment and not to buildings and grounds. is that all right? or can we include a begget area analysis. i am -- a budget area assignment. may i have a motion and second for 108-24 fp 2. moved, >> second. >> ideology move this to our student assignment committee, and that meeting is on monday, september 13 at 6:00 for members of the public. i do have two speaker carts for this item are cards for this
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item. i have david robinson and hunter cutting. two minutes, please. >> good evening, commissioners and superintendent. as the support said, no plan is perfect, and i'm sure that through the community outreach process that you're going to engage in, because we have common goals and values, we will be able to address the problems with this plan. but i do need to highlight for you that this plan really does not implement the principles that you articulated for emerging kids in the district with regard to middle school assignments, particularly with regard to spanish immersion middle school assignments. as the public process goes forward, i would like you to be thinking about how this plan, if it were implemented would actually affect next year's sixth graders, particularly in
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spanish immersion. is it fair to assign those kids next year to a school that has no immersion program when we know how difficult it has been to build those programs? is it fair to those students to close one of two actually working spanish immersion programs based on a hope of implementing more programs simultaneously across multiple sites when we know how difficult it is to do that historically? and is it fair that the current spanish immersion kids will be assigned to the valley, and the kids from the mission will not be? we can work through this with a
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speakered process, but i really hope you will listen to the input you will get from the immerse parents in particular. it was very surprising to the immersion parent community that this proposal came forward in the form it did. we did not see it coming. >> would you identify yourself? >> i am david robinson, and i have a fourth grader his school. >> thank you, mr. robinson. [inaudible] >> well, i am hunter. thanks for letting me talk. i have a couple of kids in the district. i wanted to also address the assignment proposal for middle schools. i apologize, but i am going to be a lot more blunt than david robinson. this proposal is a disaster in
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the making, and i want to highlight three problems for you. i think it is worthwhile highlighting it now because you have a very impressed schedule for considering this in a couple of weeks. one, the assignment provisions are going to basically lock the east side families into poor performing middle schools, and that hurt is going to mostly fall on low income families and latino families. two, as david pointed out, this proposal is going to tear apart the spanish language immersion program in the middle schools in san francisco. and three, this proposal essentially abolishes the sibling preference program in middle schools. i realize it is a complicated program, but all you have to do is take a look at the math that got produced. almost without exception the elementary schools on the west side are being assigned to the high-performing middle schools,
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and the east side schools are almost all going to poor performing middle schools. i think who are as mann is a great example. it is one of the most trouble middle schools, and it is going to be fed entirely by east side schools. the parents in those elementary schools may have made the devil's choice when their kids were young to send them to a poor-performing but local elementary school, but under this plan, they are going to lose their choice to send their kids to a better performing middle school that might be further away when their kids are older. this plan takes away choice for families. lastly we talked about the sibling preference. it is going to tear families apart. if i may quickly, there is no
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spanish immersion program at mann. mann lists them of as having. >> may we have a motion and second for a recommitment of students for military recruitment? >> moved. >> refer it though curriculum committee. >> the board members' report. we already got a report on this. our next report is from the augmented rules policy and legislation committee. commissioner norton? >> yes. we did not consider any legislative propose always. we did hear an update on our various title grant applications, most of which the
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superintendent updated us on earlier. and we heard a short update from susan wong on the ongoing review of board of education policies, and we will be taking that up in the next few sessions of the legislation committee. >> the next is a report from the augmented ad hoc committee on student assignment. commissioner wynns? >> i would like to take this opportunity if i may to read or highlight a lot of the time line of the actual meetings that are listed here in the agenda because the substance of the meeting was that we had the presentation of the draft proposals for the elementary attendance areas and the middle school feeder pattern. you have heard about that, and the point is not to discuss substance, but to highlight feedback.
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those were just introduced, as well as the transportation policy this evening for a first reading. on september 28, the theory is that we will be voting on those policies, that then by october 13th, that what will be presented to the board of education will be outreach, and on november 8, a monitoring and evaluation plan, and administrative regulations related to transportation will be presented to the committee. and then in addition, i just want to repeat that we have a series of community conversations and other vehicles for feedback from the public. the meetings -- you saw them tonight. but just for the public, august 5, which is tomorrow 6:00 to 585 charles drew. 28th at frons scott -- france
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scott key. august 1, 6:00 to 58 -- september 1st at marina middle school. we have opportunity to give fee back on line at the district's website. and also the staff and i want to -- and i want to thank the staff for this, is making themselves available for individual appointments, drop-in appointments, and we are facilitating meetings with school communities or others interested in talking to the staff about the work they have done that has brought us where we are today. i hope all members of the public will avail themselves of that. lastly, i want to repeat that commissioner kim said that the next meeting of the committee will be september 13 from 6:00
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to 8:00 p.m. here in this room. >> thank you very much. i one-and-one to thank -- want to thank staff for the website. it is great. glad to be online. next is a report from the budget and business service committee. commissioner yee? >> sure. basically we had one discussion which would be consider an informational item. the discussion really was to come back around to what we had discussed earlier in the year when we were going through our budget development. there were a lot of -- many of the commissioners wanted us to look at our priority areas or programs in a way that is more comprehensive. a lot of times when we look at budget line items, it is just
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one item. for example, parent engagement, there are many sources of funding which support that effort. yet when we have the discussion, we generally focus on one particular source of funding rather than looking at it more conferencively. -- conferencively. >> we may the decision that every budget committee meeting we would take on a topic for exre hencive discussion efments >> if we have time, if it is not a packed agenda, and it looks like it is not packed, then we will also discuss the resources of our federal programs. then in october we decided to
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take on or discuss the special education program and the budget that supports that, and also the community schools. we chose in october to go over the special education budget. wented to recommend to president kim -- we wanted to recommend to president kim or vice president mendoza that we have a discussion on specialed cation redesign. we are hoping that would happen in september. >> we are definitely on it. >> i wanted to mention our committee wanted to start the budget development for the new year starting next month.
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we are going to have an early start. >> thank you so much, commissioner yee. item t is report of closed session actions. close session actions of august 19, 2010, the board of education by a photo of 6-1 approved the appointment of two supervisors and one supervisor. other informational items have been posted in the agenda. acceptance of gifts in the month of june. quarterly report on complaints. and information, no notice of classified personal transactions. we are at item v. we are adjourning our meeting tonight in memory of miss kansas dra roberts and katherine. our condolences go outs to everett and mission high schools. thank you very much, meeting is ad